Way Of The Wolf

-Soumyajit Majumder

Jordan Belfort



Have you heard about this dialogue? Yes! I know what you’re thinking. “Why is this guy uttering Leonardo’s dialogue from ‘Wolf of Wall Street’?”
Well, what if I told you this is the real life Wolf of wall Street? YA! The same guy who conned America’s wealthiest by cold-calling them! The same guy who consumed drugs like cookies and drank like a fish! The same guy who the year he turned 26 made $49Mil but was pissed because it was $3Mil shy of a Million a week!!
BUT! Talk about a comeback story; Jordan Belfort went to jail, sobered himself up and now World’s #1 Sales Trainer, Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur and a Motivational Speaker!
Yes, this legendary person has authored this bestselling masterpiece of a book teaching us his method of selling which he likes to call The ‘Straight Line Selling’ method.
Lastly, you might be wondering why I went over-the-top to use adjectives such as ‘Legendary’ and ‘Masterpiece’, Well that’s because once I was doing an internship where I had to cold-call companies and ask for sponsorships. My conversion rate before and after reading this book were (2-5) % and (10-20) %. So, you can see why I love this book so much!


This book is written in an extremely well organised manner with a clear-cut CTA i.e. A Call-To-Action. The book contains 12 chapters with each of them teaching a particular aspect of the sales method; starting from chapter 1 which describes The Birth of the Sales system and ending with chapter 12 describing the Art of Looping (Read to find out what looping is!) The author also provides his thoughts in the beginning and the end of the book as to how we as readers need to handle this information and how we shouldn’t misuse it.

Brief Summary:

This book provides us with a no-nonsense clear cut way to improve our sales technique as well as our influencing power as a person. It starts off with him explaining how the sales method came to be and then goes on to subsequently teach us the method. He switches between his glory days; how he used one particular aspect of the method to his favour and then returns back to teaching that particular method. He teaches us the finer nuances which can greatly impact a sale such as Tonality and Body Language. He also teaches us how to optimize the general method according to our situation; going as far as to actually provide a line-by-line script of how we should pitch our sale!! He Teaches us his method in a very easy language with numerous examples. Concepts such as ‘Three Tens in a sale’, ‘State of Mind’ and triggering it using ‘Olfactory settings’, ‘Taking control of the Sale’, ‘Voice Modulation’, ‘Rules of prospecting’, ‘Looping’ and various others will be spoon-fed to you with you feeling smarter with each turning page (That’s a personal Guarantee!)

What I Like about It:

1. It’s a very no-nonsense clear-cut organised book; thus it helps us in setting a clear goal of why exactly are we reading that particular chapter.
2. Every Chapter has a well-defined CTA i.e. Call-To-Action, which helps us take actionable steps as soon as we finish reading a particular chapter.
3. Every chapter contains numerous stories about how he himself used that particular aspect of this method to his favour; thus making even the average reader be able to relate to it well.
4. it’s an overall light read with and thus makes it easier for even non-readers to finish it and make complete use of this book.
5. My personal Reason as it increased my conversion rate from (2-5) % to (10-20) %.

What I Dislike About it:

Nothing, except just one thing! He Digresses a lot in chapters 6 and 7 to pitch a couple of his own in-house products in the book.

When to Read and Further Recommendations:

You should read this when you’re in a sales job even more so if it’s related to cold-calling. You can also use these methods outside of sales into your life cause as we know, every job turns into a sales job after a while; whether you’re a banker selling accounts, an FMCG ASM selling packets of noodles, or a mother selling a story to your kid as to how life is a bed of roses after class 10! Also, similar books on sales include ‘The Psychology of Selling’ by ‘Brian Tracy’ and ‘Sell or Be Sold’ by ‘Grant Cardone’.

Soumyajit Majumder



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